Powerstick SpotX

Powerstick SpotX

Price: $12.25
Powerstick SpotX

Powerstick SpotX

Price from $12.25
2 methods of decoration
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Price of one$21.45$18.65$16.21$14.10$12.25

Product info

The powerstick spotX is an innovative wireless two-way finder equipped with Bluetooth® 5.2 technology. Designed for those who often misplace valuables, it can easily attach to items like keys or a purse. Its primary function is to help users locate their belongings by connecting with a network of other Spot users. The two-way finding capability allows for locating both the SpotX device and the connected smartphone within a 200-foot range. When devices move out of range, the SpotX notifies users with an alert from their phone. A location history feature maps the last known location where SpotX and your phone were connected. For additional peace of mind, a proximity meter indicates the signal strength, and a “Mark as Lost” option shows when a Spot device is disconnected.

Compatibility and features
Designed for a broad user base, the powerstick spotX is compatible with iOS 8.0 or later and Android 4.3 OS or later, making it accessible to most smartphone users. The device includes the option to "Ring to Find," which sends an alert sound from the SpotX to help in locating the misplaced item. The SpotX features a replaceable cell battery, ensuring long-term usability. Users can take advantage of a free app available for both iOS and Android devices to manage and utilize the SpotX's functionalities effectively.

Decoration options
When it comes to personalization, the powerstick spotX offers two practical decoration locations on SIDE1 and SIDE2 of the device. This enables your logo or branding to prominently feature in these visible areas, enhancing brand recognition with every use.

Decoration methods
Your logo or branding can be custom-decorated using a 4 color process. This method allows for vibrant and detailed designs, highlighting your brand's uniqueness and catching the eye of anyone who uses or sees the device. This customization ensures that every time the SpotX is used, your brand stands out. The powerstick spotX combines advanced technology with practical functionality, offering a reliable solution for those who frequently find themselves searching for misplaced belongings. Its compatibility with popular operating systems, user-friendly features, and options for personalized decoration make it a versatile choice for enhancing both personal convenience and brand visibility.

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After your order is placed, our team will review your artwork and we will contact you if we will need any additional information from you.
After your artwork is confirmed by us, we will send you a free visual. You can then see exactly what your products looks like. If no changes are required, your product will be confirmed for printing.


depth: 8.0000
width: 6.0000
height: 5.0000
weight: 2.0000

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This product is decorated and delivered from NY, 13669

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