Pixel Sunglasses

Pixel Sunglasses

Price: $2.59
Pixel Sunglasses

Pixel Sunglasses

Price from $2.59
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Price of one$3.79$3.46$3.14$2.86$2.59

Product info

Pixel sunglasses offer a fun, contemporary twist on eyewear, inspired by the iconic pixelated style from classic gaming. These sunglasses not only provide a trendy look but also serve as an effective branding tool. Made from durable PC plastic, the frames of the pixel sunglasses are designed to make a statement while providing practicality with UV400 protective clear lenses to shield your eyes from harmful sun rays.

Custom decoration locations
The pixel sunglasses allow for customization on the right and left bows, designed for pad printing. This means you can showcase your logo or branding effectively on both sides of the sunglasses. Placing your design on these areas ensures it will be easily visible, whether the sunglasses are being worn or are tucked away, creating ample opportunities for your brand to be seen.

Decoration methods
The pad print method used on these sunglasses is a reliable way to reproduce logos and designs with clarity and precision. This method offers excellent results for detailed branding, ensuring your logo stands out crisply against the frame. With pad printing, you can expect a clean and professional appearance that heightens brand visibility wherever the glasses are worn. The design of the pixel sunglasses captures the nostalgia of retro video games, making them appealing to a variety of audiences. They combine playfulness with brand promotion, serving not only as a unique fashion accessory but also as a powerful branding medium.

PC Plastic
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Additional ordering/imprint info

If you have any special requirements when placing your order, please leave product related information in step 4 on the product page. Questions related to the order (delivery requirements, etc) should be completed during the checkout process.You will be provided with more delivery options at the checkout page.
After your order is placed, our team will review your artwork and we will contact you if we will need any additional information from you.
After your artwork is confirmed by us, we will send you a free visual. You can then see exactly what your products looks like. If no changes are required, your product will be confirmed for printing.


depth: 12
width: 12
height: 12
weight: 40


This product is decorated and delivered from MN, 55066

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